【 四場國內大師班 Masterclasses in Taiwan 】
(一) 小提琴:蘇顯達、林品任、蘇柏維
(二) 大提琴:歐陽伶宜、高炳坤、李建樺
(三) 鋼琴:賈元元、范姜毅、簡孟軍
(四) 長笛:林薏蕙、安德石、江品誼

【 四場國內大師班 Masterclasses in Taiwan 】
第 01 場 |
時間 : 2020 / 10 / 31 (Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
第 02 場 |
時間 : 2020 / 11 / 07 (Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
第 03 場 |
時間 : 2020 / 12 / 05 (Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
第 04 場 |
時間 : 2020 / 12 / 19 (Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
(一) 小提琴:蘇顯達、林品任、蘇柏維
(二) 大提琴:歐陽伶宜、高炳坤、李建樺
(三) 鋼琴:賈元元、范姜毅、簡孟軍
(四) 長笛:林薏蕙、安德石、江品誼

【 致敬電影 】主 題 音 樂 會
時間:2020 / 10 / 17(Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
地點:台北市中山區中山北路二段89號 日寶中山北旗艦店

【 情慾探戈 】 主 題 音 樂 會
時間:2020 / 09/ 26(Sat.)14:00 - 17:00
地點:台北市中山區中山北路二段89號 日寶中山北旗艦店

【 再現宮廷 】 主 題 音 樂 會
時間:2020 / 09/ 05(Sat.)14:00 - 17:00

【 曼哈頓百老匯 】 主 題 音 樂 會
時間:2020 / 08/ 15(Sat.)14:00 - 17:00

【 印 象.日 出 】 主 題 音 樂 會
使用開創了《印象派》一詞的作品 ― 莫內的【印象.日出】作為本次音樂會主題,讓我們用音樂帶領各位一起進入色彩與音符交織的世界。
時間:2020 / 07 / 25(Sat.)14:00 - 17:00

【 Café Blues 】主 題 音 樂 會
第 01 場|【 Café Blues 】主題音樂會
活動時間:2020 年 7 月至 2021 年 2 月
大師班報名日期:即日起至 2020 年 10 月 20 日止
洽詢地點:日寶保險櫃 - 台北中山北旗艦店門市
聯絡電話:(02)2595 – 3401
主辦單位:日寶 COMFO SAFE 保險櫃
#湛藍國際藝術節 #卡內基音樂廳 #日寶保險櫃

簡孟軍曾跨足於美國卡內基音樂廳、維也納、義大利及台灣國家音樂廳等,並於國際鋼琴比賽中屢獲佳績,包括紐約Brashow & Bruno首獎、坎卡基鋼琴大賽首獎、伊利諾州青年藝術比賽首獎、德州Sidney Wright鋼琴合作藝術銀牌等。他在2016年成為Estampe Piano Trio(三重奏室內樂團)創團總監,此團除了在美國及國際比賽中受到矚目,並不忘以公益演出反饋社會。
簡孟軍將於3月8日與小提琴家曾宇謙同台,於台中霧峰與國立台灣交響樂團協奏演出柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲。更多有關此位鋼琴博士之訊息,請搜尋Estampe Piano Trio或簡孟軍。

Romance and Passion
We are so excited to present our new concert series of this fall, Romance and Passion. T
Please come to Kaeuper Hall at Milikin University on Thursday September 26th at 7:30pm. We are going to perform works by Handel, Beethoven, Schumann, and Mendelssohn. Also, Stunning countertenor, Dr. Yichen Li will be performing with us so please come with family, friends, and beloved!

Romance and Passion
Estampe Trio is back to Bloomington!
We are so excited to present our new concert series of this fall, Romance and Passion at Illinois State University on Friday September 27th at 7:30pm. We are going to perform works by Handel, Beethoven, Schumann, and Mendelssohn. Also, a stunning countertenor, Dr. Yichen Li will be performing with us so please come with family, friends, and beloved!
Hope you enjoy our performance

Desiring His Presence
ESTAMPE TRIO presents "Desiring His Presence"
"Our 2019 concert tour series is entitled “Desiring His Presence”, which includes the works of Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Schoenfield, and Halvorson. This program highlights Beethoven and Mendelssohn’s late piano trios, as well as contemporary repertoire “Cafe Music” by American composer Schoenfield. Both Beethoven and Mendelssohn composed these works with divine inspiration. We will explore the link between spiritual inspiration and the compositions. This program welcomes both children and adults to enjoy the story we present." https://www.estampetrio.com/media

Desiring His Presence
Estampe Trio is having a concert in Chicago tonight at 7:30! Chicago is a great city where our violinist, Eunjeong is performing as member of Civic orchestra, and where we meet and rehearse. The Harold Washington Library's practice room is actually pretty good😀 Please come and enjoy our own arrangement of Halversen's Dantz Suites! Don't miss Friday night's entertainment and hope to meet you at our concert tonight!
Saint John Cantius Church: June 28th, 7:30pm
825 N Carpenter St, Chicago, IL 60642
free admission

Desiring His Presence
please join our concert this afternoon at 3 ok at Wesley United Methodists Church. We desire to meet some friends there!

von Bonn nach Vien
Eatampe Trio is happy to announce a new program of our tour entitled “von Bonn nach Vien”(from Bonn to Vienna). The concert will be at Universalist Unitarian Church in Peoria on June 22nd at 7:30. This program highlights the early and late Beethoven piano trios, with some fun pieces. Same program will also be performing at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on June 20th at 3:30 at smith memorial room. Hopefully some friends in Champaign can come and support us.
Please come and join this performance, we would like to hear your comments about our musical sharing. Bring your friends and family to enjoy our wonderful evening on June 22nd.

Estampe Trio will present a recital at 7:30 PM on June 21st, 2019 at First Presbyterian Church in Springfield. This recital is special to our cellist Yeonwoo Seo who served as a cello faculty at University of Illinois Springfield for last two years because this is her farewell in Springfield. Also, big congrats on Dr. Yichen Li's new position at UIUC!! He will continue teaching at UIS as well. Please come to meet the musicians and let us meet you as well!

Estampe Trio enjoyed playing at Bach Festival in Peoria yesterday with Dr. Yichen Li!! There will be a full recital coming up on June 19th 2019 at 7:00 PM at Grace Lutheran Church in Springfield, IL. We will be performing works by Bach, Handel, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, and Schoenfield. Dr. Yichen Li also will be performing with us at this concert. Please come and enjoy!!

B with music
I will be performing Beethoven and Brahms's Clarinet trio on next Tuesday at University of Illinois Springfield. I am very honored to have Dr. Jiyeon Choi perform with us in Estampe Trio. For more information about our performance, please visit https://www.estampetrio.com/tour-dates for more details.

The Collaborative Pianist's Perspective on Performing Rachmaninoff's Sonata For Piano And Cello in G minor, Op. 19
I will be giving a presentation with the cello faculty Sarah Hansen from Bradley University on a topic of "The Collaborative Pianist's Perspective on Performing Rachmaninoff's Sonata For Piano And Cello in G minor, Op. 19."
The presentation will be held on Monday, February 25th, 10 am at First Christian Church in Peoria (6400 N University St, Peoria, IL 61614)

DMA 博士畢業
This is the moment that I cannot express my immense gratitude to my committee, as well as other faculties who helped me pass my defense.
Learning is endless; this degree offers me so much to explore the knowledge, and teach me to polish myself as a performer, an educator, and a scholar.
歡喜迎接豬年新春,就在今日大年初三, 我的博士論文答辯成功。